Monday 12 August 2013

The next 24 days will be "Audacious"!


[aw-dey-shuhs] adjective
1. extremely bold or daring; recklessly brave; fearless: an audacious explorer.
2. extremely original; without restriction to prior ideas; highly inventive: an audacious vision of the city's bright future.
3. recklessly bold in defiance of convention, propriety, law, or the like; insolent; brazen.
4. lively; unrestrained; uninhibited: an audacious interpretation of her role.
To me audacious is a mix of bold and daring with a good dollop of fabulous thrown in.

I don't think of myself as bold or daring (But I am fabulous!)  I have too many voices saying: "You'll just fail again", "What makes you think you can do it this time", "Maybe you should try something smaller".

Since I like doing things with impossible deadlines, for the next 24 days I will be AUDACIOUS.

First steps:
- expand "Potato Art" story
- expand "Christian Rock" story

To expand means to give an overview of the plot so that it covers 1 hour of playtime.
I am going to decide which of these I am going to turn into a commercial product in October. (There is a challenge in October to make $1 off a game.)

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Typing from Android-land

Sorry for the lackof updates. I've been very depressed. I just found out that I'm B12 deficient. One of the effects is being depressed, so hopefully things should look a bit better once my B12 levels increase .

In the meantime, I have kept up with my one game a month.  I just haven't linked my April game "Potato Art" here yet.  If you want, you can find it over at the Ludum Dare site.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Community Visual Novel

Have you ever felt like creating a visual novel with a bunch of online friends, but didn't know how to manage it?

Have you ever wanted to read a strange visual novel that makes no logical sense and is full of non-sequiturs?

Well, wait no longer!

I have created a basic online Community Visual Novel engine: It uses free resources that are organized here:

It still needs some work, but the basics are there.  (Except documentation)

Monday 28 January 2013

Thera'Py: a MiniGame under the Deadline

Thera'Py: with Eliza Py

Eliza Py will help you with your problems. She will ask you questions, you type in your response, then she answers you back.

I threatened to do it and I did it. I took the Eliza code an put it in Ren'Py. (ref: If you must blame someone, blame the guys over at the PyBrain Thread on Lemmasoft
DISCLAIMER:  This is a TOY.  It is not meant to be realistic (or therapeutic) in any way. 


The all in one version can be found here: 25.4 MB (Windows, Mac, Linux)


Sunday 27 January 2013

New Experimental Game

An article by Aaron Reed (Author of Creating Interactive Fiction with Inform 7) wrote a cool game called Almost Goodbye. Go pllay it.  Right now.  I'll wait.

<<Insert music here>>

Did you play the game?  It uses an interesting mechanic for creating content based on variables.

Anyway, it inspired me to start creating a game that uses a similar story framework (More things to do than there is time for.)  The project is currently named "Ghost Day".  You are an eight to ten year old that thinks they saw a  ghost in their room.  You go through the day investigating it.  Was the ghost real? Or just your imagination?

My son has created four variations of a piece of music for it.  I made a bunch of 3D rooms and FotoSketched them.

Can I get it out before January 31 to qualify for OneGameAMonth????


Saturday 5 January 2013

More Playing with Images

Look at me playing with Vue and Animated Gifs.

Characters from Manga Clip Art